So glad you have clicked on to this page. We want to extend an invitation to all parents to come along to one of our prayer meetings and join with others in praying for the school.
Parents meet in the Chapel at least once a term to give thanks to God and pray for the needs of the school. There are meetings in the day time and also in the evenings for those who are not available at other times. The Chapel is upstairs in the main school building.
Whether you can attend every time or occasionally, you are most welcome!
Dates of meetings will be publicised via the calendar on the website and also through email and Mentions.
Meetings are coordinated by our chaplain, Helena Whittaker, but run by parents. Please do not hesitate to contact Helena with questions about the prayer meetings or with prayer requests. You can contact her by email or leave a message for her on the school number 0207 736 7138.
‘Do not be anxious about anything, but by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God’ (Philippians 4:6)
We are part of Pray for Schools network: