Welcome from the Headteacher
Welcome to Lady Margaret School. It is a great privilege to be Headteacher of this fantastic school, and I am proud to lead a team of talented and dedicated professionals who offer a challenging and enriching education to our students.
Lady Margaret School is a Church of England Academy for girls aged 11-18 in the London borough of Hammersmith and Fulham. We welcome girls of all academic abilities, and we are committed to ensuring that our school community is one in which every girl can excel.
Our success is based on a culture of high expectations and aspirations, excellent standards of teaching and a strong commitment to our Christian ethos as a Church of England Academy The school offers both strong pastoral support and intellectual challenge at every key stage, enabling our girls to learn to think independently and creatively and to develop into resilient and confident learners. Our curriculum is supported by a strong programme of extra-curricular activities that helps girls to develop a wide range of skills and interests.
Lady Margaret School is a community of great energy and enthusiasm. It is also a community-driven by Christian values, and we place great importance on girls behaving with integrity and with kindness.
Our motto is ‘I have a goodly heritage’. Our aim is for every girl to be happy and successful at school, as a strong basis for a happy and successful future.
Elisabeth Stevenson
An outstanding girls school for 100 years
Lady Margaret School is a Church of England academy for girls aged 11-18 in the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham. It is an outstandingly successful school in welcoming girls of all academic abilities and ensuring that they achieve their full potential.
Its success is based on a culture of high expectations and aspirations, excellent standards of teaching and a strong commitment to the Christian ethos. However, it remains an inclusive school and girls from other faiths or those who have no religious beliefs at all are welcomed.
Established in September 1917, there are currently 750 girls on roll, of whom 155 are in the Sixth Form and 90 teaching and support staff. The school seeks to offer a safe, caring and intellectually stimulating environment supported by a strong programme of extra-curricular activities that enables students to go on to lead fulfilled and enriched lives.
A majority of students stay on in the Sixth Form that has high academic standards. This enables girls to choose undergraduate courses at universities of their choice, including Oxbridge, Imperial and UCL as well as art and music colleges.
The school welcomes new students to Years 7 and 12 every September. For more details on how to apply, please see Admissions.
Values and Ethos
Christian, caring and curious
As a school, we aim to give all our students a ‘goodly heritage’: an exceptional education, a wide range of opportunities and extra-curricular activities, and a chance to be part of and contribute to a strong community.
As a Church of England academy, we are rooted in our Christian faith, and reaching to everyone. We encourage an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith, and our Christian values underpin how we work together as a community.
We aim to offer a safe, inclusive, caring and intellectually demanding environment to enable all our students to benefit from an outstanding secondary education. To this end we will:
- Help students to develop Wisdom: to develop lively and enquiring minds, to develop the ability to question and to articulate ideas rationally and clearly
- Develop our students into curious and confident learners who are resilient and resourceful in their approach to education and to life
- Ensure that our curriculum is both accessible and challenging for everyone, enabling each student to develop her best qualities in mind, body and spirit and help her to make excellent progress thereby fulfilling her potential
- Ensure that students are able to participate in a wide range of opportunities beyond the classroom, including clubs and trips, so that we broaden students’ horizons and open opportunities and pathways for all, giving students Hope and ambition for the future
- Promote understanding of our social, economic and political context, both locally and globally, helping students to approach ‘big’ questions and problems with a reasoned set of attitudes, values and beliefs and a commitment to both Justice and Friendship
- Promote among our students an awareness of community and society and help them to show concern for the environment, to value God’s Creation
- Promote knowledge and understanding of other cultures, religions and ways of life
- Support the development of the well-being of every member of our community, helping each girl to develop a sense of self-respect and self-worth in a school characterised by Trust, Compassion and Service to our community
Our Ethos
The ethos of the school is that of a caring and purposeful Christian community. Each member of the community is made aware of the high standards of behaviour and work which are expected. Staff and students are expected to show kind, respectful and tolerant attitudes to others both inside and outside the classroom. The school rules regarding issues such as uniform and homework are enforced and parents are expected to support the school in these areas.
As a Church of England school, we believe that worship is central to the daily life of the school. It affirms our identity and reinforces the Christian values of our school. The programme of Collective Worship within the school is planned and co-ordinated by our Chaplain to provide whole school worship on four days of the week and form-based or year group worship on one day of the week. Our worship reminds us of our beliefs and hopes, reinforces our corporate identity, provides a focal point which gives the community and the individuals in it an understanding of the shape, meaning and purpose of their lives.
Students in all year groups are encouraged to contribute to the wider life of the school and to participate in or set up extra-curricular clubs and activities.
An Activities Week in the Summer term sees girls participate in visits and activities at home and abroad. The school has a sense of joy about it and we are very proud of our motto,
I have a goodly heritage.