Lady Margaret School became an academy in September 2012. Lady Margaret School Academy Trust is a private company limited by guarantee and an exempt charity.
The charity’s Memorandum and Articles of Association are the primary governing documents of the Academy Trust. The Governing Body act as the trustees for the charitable activities of the Lady Margaret School Academy Trust and are also directors of the charitable company for the purposes of company law.
The charitable company is known as Lady Margaret School. Company No: 08156535 with registered offices at 9-15 Parsons Green, London SW6 4UN.
There are four members of the charitable company who are:
London Diocesan Board for Schools
The Bishop of Kensington
The Lady Margaret School Foundation
Chair of Governors, Lady Margaret School
In accordance with the Memorandum and Articles of Association the Academy Trust shall have up to 11 Foundation Governors, 3 Staff Governors, up to 2 Local Community Governors, up to 3 and not less than 2 Parent Governors, Co-opted Governors and the Headteacher. Additional and further Governors may be appointed in line with the Memorandum and Articles of Association.
The Members appoint the 11 Foundation Governors. The Members appoint 1 Local Community Governor, The Governing Body appoints 1 Local Community Governor (and will invite the LA to propose the candidates). The Headteacher is an Ex Officio Governor. Parent Governors are Parents/Carers of students within the school at the time of their election. They are elected by Parents/Carers of students by secret ballot. The Staff Governors are members of staff at the time of the election. They are elected by members of staff by a secret ballot. Governors are elected for a term of office of four years.
To contact the governors or put forward a candidate for the Governing Body, please contact the clerk, Suzy Lewis-Logie, at school or by email.
The Governing Body acts in accordance with the Funding Agreement and the Articles of Association and in order to discharge its responsibilities effectively. The Governing Body has established a scheme of delegation and committee structure, each committee has its own terms of reference and reports back to The Governing Body.
The Governing Body meets every term except in the autumn term whereby an additional Annual General Meeting is held. The committees meet every term and are as follows:
Finance and Resources Committee
Audit and Risk Management Committee
Curriculum Committee
Staffing and General Purposes Committee
Admissions Committee
There are also occasional committees which meet as when required throughout the year.
Foundation Governors
Mrs Arabella MacIntyre – Chair
Mrs Claudine Horgan
Mr Choong Kwan
Mr Manav Gupta
Mrs Maxine Boersma
Reverend Helena Whittaker
Mr Paul Sloan
Prof Saeema Ahmed-Kristensen
Mrs Severine Gould – Vice-Chair
Mr Will Downs
Ms Zena Zenonos
Ms Elisabeth Stevenson
Local Community Governors
Ms Delrita Agyapong
Prof Martin Lodge
Parent Governors
Ms Clair Gordon
Mr Andrew Thacker
Staff Governors
Ms Kate Foulds
Mrs Louisa Smith
Miss Alice Sparrow
Miss Suzy Lewis-Logie
- Governors’ Register of Interests 2023-24
- Governor Meeting Calendar 2023-24
- Code of Conduct for Governors 2023-24
- Governing Body Scheme of Delegation
- Governing Body Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association
- Governor Terms of Office and Categories
Governing Body Minutes