As a Church of England school, we believe that worship is central to the daily life of the school and girls take part in an act of Christian worship every day. This happens in different ways; in tutor groups, alongside the rest of their year group and also with several year groups together. These are mainly led by members of staff or by students but we also welcome speakers from local churches or from organisations of interest to the girls.
Our worship is rooted in the Anglican tradition and usually includes the opportunity to sing together, to pray, to read or hear Scripture and to reflect on a theme. This time, set apart from the normal routine, reminds girls of the Christian heritage of the school, reinforces our community life and gives them an opportunity to reflect on their beliefs and their experience of the world around them.
Our Chaplain
Our chaplain is Rev’d Helena Whittaker, who is also an Associate Priest in the Parish of Putney. She is a full time member of staff and her role includes resourcing Collecti
ve Worship, organising school services, encouraging Christian groups within the school, liaising with local churches and outside groups, and offering pastoral support to students and staff.
St Dionis
The school has a special relationship with St Dionis, our local parish church, located just 150 metres away, across Parsons Green. It is the venue for school services throughout the year and these are usually led by our school chaplain with support from the vicar, Revd Tim Stilwell as well as other local clergy and youth workers.